BMA says GP Patient Survey results are ‘testament to hard work of GPs’
British Medical Association (BMA) GP committee chair Dr Richard Vautrey has said that the results of the recently-published GP patient a ‘testament to hard work of GPs’
Dr Vautrey had been responding to the GP Patient Survey 2019, published 11 July by NHS England.
He said: "These figures clearly demonstrate that the majority of patients remain satisfied with their experience at GP surgeries in England – with more than 80% rating this as good, only a minor fall on last year’s results.
“Meanwhile an overwhelming 95 per cent of patients have ‘confidence and trust’ in the practitioner they last saw.
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“These high levels of satisfaction are a testament to how hard GPs and their teams are working in practices up and down the country, and come against a backdrop of a rising population and diminishing GP numbers.
"Indeed, other data released today show that practices are now caring for 720,000 more patients than they were this time last year, while according to the most recent figures the number of full-time equivalent GPs has fallen by more than 400.
“We recognise that patients are often waiting too long for appointments, and this is equally frustrating for GPs and their teams.
"With the launch of Primary Care Networks, and the introduction of additional practice-based staff, we hope that patients will receive quicker access to the right healthcare professional while freeing up GPs to see those who need their expertise most. In doing so, general practice can maintain the high levels of patient satisfaction it is so proud of.”
Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, chair of the Royal College of GPs (RCGP), also praised the hard-work of GPs following the publishing of the 2019 GP Patient Survey results.
She said: "It is testament to the incredible efforts of GPs and their teams that patient satisfaction in general practice has remained so high – especially given the intense resource pressures currently facing our profession and the strenuous circumstances our colleagues are working under.
"The fact that 95% of patients say they have confidence and trust in the healthcare professional they saw, and 94% say their needs were met when they last visited their local practice, is something we, as a profession, should be very proud of.