Cannabis Patient Advocacy and Support Services launched in light of announcement
Following the announcement on Monday 11th of November that 1.4 million British adults use street cannabis to treat chronic medical conditions, a new patient advocacy organisation has been launched. The organisation will focus on support and care for patients considering cannabis for medicinal treatment is launching at The Royal College of Nursing.
The organisation is titled the Cannabis Patient Advocacy and Support Services and is chaired by Former Health Minister and Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing and Queens Nursing Institute, Ann Keen RN. The initiative will begin by working towards better patient access and care in the regulated medicinal cannabis framework in the UK. CPASS is working with condition charity groups and frontline healthcare providers, to help patients with long term conditions.
Medicinal cannabis is being considered by the medical community for conditions such as drug-resistant epilepsy, MS, neuropathic pain and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and many leading researchers have shown indications of broader use beyond these conditions.
CPASS are calling on clinical nurse specialists (CNS nurses), offering support and training to be able to deliver best care for patients following the new NICE guidelines on cannabis-based medicinal products. Patients considering medicinal cannabis would be able to ask specific questions to their condition and also concerns they may have over how to use CBMPs. CPASS can offer non-judgemental and confidential advice for patients to alleviate concerns over safe consumption and how to use medicinal cannabis.
The UK Home Office and Department for Health and Social Care back in 2018 took the decision to legalise and regulate cannabis for medicinal use. The Royal College of Nursing has proactively sought to support these changes.
CPASS chair, Ann Keen RN says: “My values as a Registered Nurse are about having justice and equality of care for all patients. As a former community District Nursing Sister, I am aware that today’s Nurses require education and training to inform and support the patient and family with the best knowledge that we have, with the most up to date understanding of cannabis-based medicinal products.”