December Child Protection Information Service take-up target to be missed
Plans to support local authorities to achieve 80% take-up of the Child Protection Information Service (CP-IS) by December 2015 will not be achieved, the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has confirmed.
The CP-IS project is expected to improve the way that health and social care services work together across England to protect vulnerable children.
But in a paper presented at HSCIC’s latest board meeting it was noted that, as of 13 October, 7% of local authorities were live with CP-IS. “It is accepted that the ministerial target of 80% will not be achieved by December 2015.”
HSCIC said that issues affecting deployment have included slow progress of suppliers to achieve roll-out approvals, delays in N3 connections and thin-client solutions, local authority funding constraints and restraints within the CP-IS team.
Discussions with NHS England and the SRO (senior responsible) owner have resulted in a revised target of 20% of local authorities live by December 2015.
Further discussions are taking place to “re-profile” the original 80% target across 2015-16 for both local authorities and NHS organisations.