DH has most projects ‘likely to fail’ in Whitehall
Department of Health projects are the most likely to fail, according to a new report from the government’s Major Projects Authority (MPA).
The annual report from the MPA for 2014-15 detailed the costs and progress of all major government projects and rated them using a traffic light scheme. It found that 112 major projects across Whitehall in 2014 were in danger of failing and only 76 were considered likely to succeed.
The DH had 41 projects included in the review, of which five were rated red, in the most danger of failing. A further 15 projects were rated as amber/red, which the MPA defines as: “Successful delivery of the project/programme is in doubt with major risks or issues apparent in a number of key areas. Urgent action is needed to ensure these are addressed, and whether resolution is feasible.”
The five programmes found to be in the worst danger were Care.data, a scheme to overhaul death certification in the wake of the Harold Shipman murders, the National Pandemic Flu Service, the NHS Choices website, and the Health and Social Care Network, which is intended to improve integration of health and social care.
The 15 amber/red programmes include Francis and Compassionate Care, Care and Support Implementation and the Better Care Fund.
A Department of Health spokesperson said: "Projects of this size and scale are frequently rated as amber/red at points within their delivery – it is not unusual and it does not mean the project will not be successful. What it does mean is that the risks are being understood and are being managed.”
(Picture by: Steph Gray)
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