Gross negligence manslaughter review working group appointed
The working group for the independent review into gross negligence manslaughter has been appointed.
Dame Clare Marx, chair of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, will conduct the review, ordered by Jeremy Hunt amidst concerns following the erasure of Dr. Bawa-Garba from the medical register, alongside a team of 10 people.
Commissioned by the General Medical Council (GMC), the review will explore how cases of gross negligence manslaughter, or culpable homicide in Scotland, are initiated and investigated in the UK.
According to the GMC, the working group is made up of a wide range of perspectives, experience and expertise, with membership drawn from across the medical profession, including doctors in training, the legal system, employers and patients.
Marx explained: “The wealth of knowledge and experience of the working group members will be hugely valuable for the review into how gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide cases are dealt with, and what can be improved.”
The working group will meet regularly throughout the year to analyse all aspects of the process, including what happens following a fatal incident, the impact of any criminal investigation, inquiries by a coroner, procurator fiscal or sheriff, and the regulatory process and the GMC’s fitness to practice processes.
Marx said: “As a group we are committed to exploring every avenue to promote a no blame culture and encouraging a renewed focus on reflective practice and learning.
“It will be a difficult challenge, but I am confident that my colleagues on this working group are the ideal team to achieve this.”
The working party will hold oral evidence sessions for key organisations across the UK and seek written evidence and hold workshops for doctors and patients.
It will examine how to improve how the existing law, procedures and processes are applied, while still protecting the public and maintaining confidence in the medical profession, and how the GMC should handle cases involving gross negligence manslaughter.
The report will be published early next year.
Top image: pinkomelet
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