NCRI welcomes increase in cancer research funding
Funding for cancer research has increased by 62% in ten years to 2011, the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) has announced.
New analysis has shown significant investment in NCRI’s partners to understand the biology of the disease, with the greatest increase in research funding in new treatments. This reflects the growth of clinical research networks, NCRI stated.
Of the funding, 60% is spent on research that could apply to all types of cancer, with the remaining 40% focused on particular cancers.
Dr Karen Kennedy, director of the NCRI, said: “Since the start of the NCRI Cancer Research Database we have been able to see the strengths and weaknesses in investment in cancer research. This knowledge has enabled the NCRI to set up initiatives to address gaps and has raised awareness of the need for research in specific areas amongst the research community more generally. But it’s vital for cancer patients that investment in cancer research remains a priority despite the tougher economic times that funders must now operate under.”
Dr Harpal Kumar, chair of the NCRI and chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said: “It’s through research that we’re gaining the insights into cancer that will lead to better treatments for patients, so it’s great news that we’ve seen this huge increase in funding over the last ten years.
“But we still need to encourage funders and researchers to come together and take steps to improve the investment in research into cancers that still have a poor outlook such as brain and pancreatic cancers.”
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