New governance code to improve CCGs
A new code of governance has been launched to help CCGs develop robust standards for effective, patient-centred care.
The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA), which has published the code today, developed it with a panel including representatives from all professions required to be included in the governing body of CCGs, chaired by Lord Hunt of Wirral.
Comprising of six principles, the code is designed to complement NHS England guidance and reflects the need to increase participation of users in patient care. The code is voluntary, but CCGs are encouraged to adopt it and explain how the principles have been applied.
Lord Hunt said: “The Code is designed to help CCGs accept responsibility for effective clinically-based commissioning, such that there is a clear line of accountability at local level – where it matters most.”
Peter Swabey, policy & research director at ICSA, added: ‘The UK government has said that it is keen to ensure that transparency, integrity and probity are embedded within the NHS. Our code provides the foundation upon which these pillars can be placed. The most successful and sustainable organisations are built on trust, and trust and strong governance go hand in hand.”
The principles are:
- CCG members and their governing bodies understand and support each other’s role in effective decision-making with a view to improving the experiences of patients and the quality of the care commissioned.
- CCGs act collaboratively with a range of interested provider parties to deliver better health outcomes for patients and the public.
- CCGs are aware of, and understand, the different relationships to be built and maintained by the CCG when working with other commissioning organisations and regulators in relation to the local and national health economy, and contribute effectively to the greater debate on patient safety, quality and outcomes.
- The CCG and its governing body accept, and act in accordance with, collective accountability to its membership, along with drawing on the strengths and expertise of individual contributions.
- The CCG, through its governing body, ensures that the views of interested parties including relevant clinical professionals, patients, their carers and the public are actively sought and used to inform commissioning decisions and the likely impact of such decisions.
- Governing bodies have robust and effective processes for decision-making, as outlined in their constitution, that support and maintain transparency and accountability at every level.
For more on the new code, see the Nov/Dec 2013 edition of National Health Executive. Subscribe at www.nationalhealthexecutive.com/subscribe
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