NHS Friends and Family Test roll-out begins
The Friends and Family Test has now been officially introduced, and every patient who either visits an A&E or stays in a hospital overnight will be asked if they would recommend the service to their friends and family.
The results will be published on NHS Choices and allow the public to compare patient feedback and help hospitals to identify and tackle concerns at an early stage.
NHS England is going to manage and oversee the rollout of the test to all NHS-funded services, with maternity services due to start in October.
Tim Kelsey, NHS England’s national director for patients and information, said: “The Friends and Family test is an important first step in changing the nature of the relationship between the NHS and the people it serves. To make improvements, and make them quickly, it is vital that we welcome honest, up-to-the-minute feedback from our patients, listen to them and act upon their views.
“When regular feedback from patients reaches ward or A&E staff, it can have a tremendous impact in a really short space of time. I’d encourage all patients to give their feedback whenever they are asked to do so – we are eager to hear their views.”
Jane Cummings, chief nursing officer for England, said: “The Friends and Family test is a really simple way for patients to let us know if we could improve the standard of care we’re giving, and that’s really important. Giving compassionate care is at the heart of what we do and listening to the experiences and feedback of patients is central to NHS values.”
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