NICE endorses UK Sepsis Trust’s screening and action tools
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has endorsed the screening and action tools created by the UK Sepsis Trust (UKST).
Director of the system engagement programme at NICE, Nicola Bent said: “UKST’s screening and action tools accurately reflect NICE’s evidence-based guidance on sepsis.
“We’re therefore pleased to endorse these resources to help patients with sepsis receive prompt and effective care.”
READ MORE: NICE tells NHS staff to treat life-threatening sepsis within the hour
The UKST announced today, following an All-Party Parliamentary Group report on sepsis, that an overwhelming majority of trusts and hospitals nationally use the clinical tools developed by the charity.
According to the report 80% of trusts surveyed used the UKST’s recognition pathway and almost 100% of trusts were using their treatment pathway, the Sepsis Six – both of which support NHS implementation guidance.
CEO of the UK Sepsis Trust, Dr Ron Daniels, praised the great strides being made, but suggested that more was still to be done to improve identification and treatment of sepsis.
He was keen to see interoperable data shared between hospitals and trusts to enable healthcare professionals to more accurately identify those most at risk, and in most urgent need of care.
The UKST also want to see a far-reaching public awareness campaign, endorsed by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to make more people aware of the condition, giving them a better chance of survival.