NIHR launches new UK funding call for long term Covid-19 research
As we begin to emerge from the other side of the current coronavirus outbreak, attention is beginning to shift towards more long term visions. In keeping with that movement, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is launching a new call inviting applications on longer-term Covid-19 research.
The current joint-UKRI/NIHR rolling research call has focused on funding ‘urgent’ Covid-19 research which would have an impact within 12 months.
NIHR remains committed to funding and delivering urgent Covid-19 research as a priority but with it increasing appearing that we are moving beyond the initial acute phase of the pandemic, the new research call will sit alongside the rolling ‘urgent’ call with a specific focus on research to inform policy and the recovery of health, care and public health systems from the pandemic’s effects, with outcomes typically within 24 months.
Applications are being welcomed which involve investigators spanning a range of specialties and scientific disciplines that are in the remit of one or more of the participating research programmes.
Researchers who have previously submitted through the portal for urgent public health research and whose research does not meet the 12-month urgency criteria may wish to submit under the new call where outcomes are typically expected within 24 months. They should review the criteria and consider whether it is appropriate to resubmit.
Professor Andrew Farmer, Co-Chair of the NIHR Recovery and Learning Committee: “As we keep moving forward in the fight against COVID-19, I am pleased that the NIHR can support research in this important area. As research continues into the acute phase, it is vital that we look forward and start to consider how we can improve things in the future for us all”.
More details on how to apply for this call can be found here