Procurement guidance to improve outcomes
New guidance has been published to improve procurement across the healthcare system, the Department of Health has announced.
This aims to create significant cost savings, as well as improving patient care, and is published ahead of a procurement strategy planned for later this year. Key actions outlined in the report promote closer working with commissioning groups.
The guidance, ‘NHS Procurement: Raising Our Game’, sets out proposed action and focuses on six key areas for improvement: levers for change; transparency and data management; NHS standards of procurement; leadership, clinical engagement and reducing variation; collaboration and use of procurement partners; suppliers, innovation and growth.
Sir David Nicholson, NHS chief executive, said: “It is vital that we have a procurement function that is not only better, but is world class. It should be focused on outcomes, not just cost, and must be responsive to creative ideas from suppliers, procurement specialists, clinicians and managers.
“We have the potential to transform procurement in the NHS, enhancing quality and value. Our collective challenge is to work together to realise that potential.”
To view the report, visit: www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/documents/digitalasset/dh_134379.pdf
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