Reducing health inequality could save NHS £5.5bn each year
There needs to be a greater focus on reducing health inequality, the Institute of Health Equity has argued in a new report.
Implementing its recommendations across the NHS could save £5.5bn a year. Led by Prof Sir Michael Marmot, the report calls for better education and training on social causes of ill-health, recording social history alongside medical history and using joint commissioning to improve health equality.
Health professionals should also be encouraged to act as advocates for equality. Across England, life expectancy currently varies by seven years between the richest and poorest of the population. In areas such as Glasgow, this can rise to 28 years.
Sir Michael said: “Even among health professionals who have this insight, there has been a sense that it is for others to respond, there is not much we can do.
“But the response we have had from the many organisations and individuals that have helped us with this report is not only should we be taking action but there is ample evidence that we can.”
Dr Vivienne Nathanson, from the British Medical Association said: “We need to spread the word about good practice so that doctors can learn from their colleagues who are successfully providing an integrated approach to healthcare, for example, by referring patients to employment, debt or benefits advice centres when these factors go hand in hand with their health problems.”
Health secretary Jeremy Hunt said: “Everyone should have the same opportunity to lead a healthy life; no matter where they live or who they are which is why we must continue to work to narrow the gap in health inequalities.
“We have set out the first ever specific legal duties on health inequalities for the NHS and I recently set out my challenge on reducing premature mortality. Local areas must work together to address the health needs of their population and make a real difference in tackling health inequalities.”
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