Chancellor Rishi Sunak to back NHS against coronavirus in 2020 Budget
Addressing the House of Commons with his 2020 Budget, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced as much support as is needed to tackle the coronavirus outbreak as an NHS.
Taking the lead in his budget speech, Mr Sunak told the House: “Whatever extra resources our NHS needs to cope with Covid-19 – it will get."
"Whether it's research for a vaccine, recruiting thousands of returning staff, or supporting our brilliant doctors and nurses. Whether it's millions of pounds or billions of pounds.
“Whatever it needs, whatever it costs, we stand behind our NHS."
Mr Sunak warned the outbreak would bring "significant" short-term impact, but with a £30bn package pledged to help fund the UK economy in response, the Chancellor felt the country would continue as best as it could.
Research and development also saw specific mention in the budget, with a £170bn investment programe over five years. Not only intended to boost national growth by 0.5% of GDP, Mr Sunak stated clearly that there would be specific investment into the treatment and development of vaccines for coronavirus.
Main image credit: Victoria Jones/PA Wire/PA Images