Keogh Review trust to stay in special measures after sluggish pace of improvement
The Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS FT has been told by the health inspectorate that it must stay in special measures amid concerns over staffing levels and patient care following the latest CQC review – but its rating has been changed from ‘inadequate’ to ‘requires improvement.’
Whilst the report did acknowledge that there was “some notable improvement” since the last inspection, there are still significant concerns around care quality in some areas.
Professor Ted Baker, England’s chief inspector of hospitals, said: “Since the last inspection of Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS FT, there has been some changes at executive level and, I am pleased to report, some notable improvement. However, there is scope for further improvement.
“There remain significant concerns around the quality of care in some areas of the trust. However, our main concern was around the pace of improvement in areas highlighted in previous CQC inspections.
“For this reason, the trust will remain in special measures to ensure the appropriate level of support is given to the trust to ensure sustainable improvement for the population it serves.”
CQC inspectors found that the trust did not always have appropriate staff numbers to ensure safe treatment, and there weren’t enough doctors in line with national and professional recommendations.
Overall, the FT has been rated ‘requires improvement’ for safety, effectiveness and responsiveness; ‘good’ for being caring; but ‘inadequate’ for being well-led.
The last comprehensive inspection of its acute services was in November 2016, at which point the FT was found to be inadequate overall. However, last year the CQC went a step further and issued a warning notice stating that the quality of care provided still required significant improvement; in April that year, it was placed in special measures.
The foundation trust was one of the 14 providers across the country investigated by Sir Bruce Keogh in his 2013 review into higher-than-expected mortality rates.
Responding to today’s CQC report, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole’s chief executive, Dr Peter Reading, celebrated the improvement of the overall rating from ‘inadequate’ to ‘requires improvement,’ which he attributed to the steady progress that staff are helping to make across the three hospitals.
“Our staff have been magnificent. Since the last inspection they have had to deal with a Trust in double special measures and cope with a couple of really hard and busy winters. Their commitment, determination and compassion humbles me on a daily basis and I cannot thank them enough,” he added.
“There is no doubt we have much more to do as we continue to work towards a ‘good’ rating. We have identified the things we need to change and we will get on and do that in the weeks and months ahead.”
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