

Long-serving NHS chief executive to stand down

Sir Ron Kerr will stand down as chief executive of Guy's and St Thomas' NHS FT on 1 October, but will stay on at the trust in an advisory executive vice-chair role until March next year.

Kerr has 30 years’ NHS experience in senior leadership roles, but “wishes to reduce his working commitments”, the trust said.

Since joining the health service in 1971, he has held senior posts across the country at existing and abolished organisations including North Hertfordshire Health Authority, South East London Commissioning Agency, North West and North Thames Regional Health Authorities, the NHS Executive, the National Care Standards Commission, and United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust.

He joined Guy’s and St Thomas’ as chief executive in 2007 and was knighted in 2010. He is this year’s chair of the Shelford Group of leading hospital trusts.

Guy’s chair Sir Hugh Taylor said: “The trust has gone from strength to strength under Ron's wise and visionary leadership. Ron has done an outstanding job as chief executive, for which we are immensely grateful, and we have been very fortunate to benefit from his lifelong commitment to healthcare and the NHS at both a national and local level.

Sir Ron called his decision to move on “very difficult”, but said: “I feel hugely privileged to have worked with so many talented and dedicated colleagues over the years, and wish to continue to do so in the future as new opportunities arise.”

From 1 October, Amanda Pritchard, currently chief operating officer, will become acting chief executive and accountable officer. Dr Simon Steddon will resume his role as acting chief operating officer, which he undertook during Pritchard's recent maternity leave.


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