Birmingham trust appoints head of 'special measures' Walsall service as CEO
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) has appointed the leader of an “inadequate” trust in Walsall as its new chief executive.
Richard Kirby was in charge of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust when the CQC placed it into special measures, and led the trust’s main service Manor Hospital to be rated as “inadequate” by the CQC back in 2016.
The news also follows ex-CEO Tracy Taylor’s move to Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.
The document specifically pointed to staffing problems in maternity care and a poor triage process in the Emergency Department (ED). In addition, the commission said the two services had standards of care which were below the level it expected.
In 2014, the trust described its situation as a “perfect storm” as a result of increased activity and problems with the replacement of the patient administration system. Due to these fears, the board agreed on an “improvement plan”, which was in its early stages when the CQC inspected.
There has been no subsequent report on the development of the service but Birmingham bosses are pleased with the progress they have seen in the trusts “improvement journey”.
BCHC is currently in the process of integrating services with the Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust – expected to be completed by 1 December 2017.
Richard Kirby is the new chief executive of Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
The Birmingham service had no comment on Kirby’s previous position but chair Tom Storrow said he was “delighted” with the CEOs selection.
“We believe that, in Richard, we have secured an excellent appointment, able to pick up the momentum of the organisation and take us forward into the future,” Storrow commented.
“Our imminent integration with our two partner trusts presents an opportunity to help shape an exciting future for a trust combining high quality community and mental health services.
“I am sure that staff, board and governors will join me in welcoming him to the Trust and working with him into the next stage of our development.”
Kirby himself said: “I have been privileged to work with some of the most committed and caring staff during my time in Walsall and I am proud of the considerable progress we have made in recent years.
“I am committed to the development of community services to ensure our patients receive the support they need to continue living healthily at home, where they want to be and I look forward to continuing to do so in my role at Birmingham Community Healthcare.”
The new chief executive is expected to take over the three combined trusts in early 2018.