Meetings of Commissioning Board accountability meeting published
The Department of Health has published minutes of health secretary Andrew Lansley’s second ‘accountability meeting’ with the Commissioning Board Authority.
The meetings are attended by the CBA chair Professor Malcolm Grant, and chief executive Sir David Nicholson.
The DH said: “Publication of the minutes is designed to ensure transparency, so that the NHS and the public at large can see what the Board and the Department are discussing as part of their formal accountability relationship.
“This represents an unprecedented level of openness in the Government’s relationship with the NHS. It sits alongside the transparency provided by the Secretary of State’s Mandate, which will set the objectives of the Government clearly and in good time to allow the NHS Commissioning Board and the rest of the NHS to plan in response to them. Together, the Mandate and the open approach to accountability represent a more mature and productive relationship between Government and the NHS.”
At the meeting, the attendees discussed the Board’s business plan and operating model, and the Government’s strategic objectives for it, namely the transfer of power to local organisations, establishing the ‘commissioning landscape’, developing specific commissioning and financial capabilities, and developing excellent relationships.
Grant said the nomenclature is important and symbolic, hence the decision to call the Leeds office the ‘National Support’ office, emphasising the Board’s role in supporting local commissioning and commissioners – not as the NHS headquarters. He promised a “fundamental shift in mindset”.
Nicholson said that the transfer of patient safety functions from the National Patient Safety Agency to the new nursing directorate was a “tremendous opportunity” to improve safety and patient dignity.
During the meeting, Nicholson also gave an update on CCG establishment, noting that the whole country is now covered, with CCGs deciding which wave to join to be authorised, and that the Board is letting the contract for the 360-degree feedback appraisal. Each CCG now needs to ensure it has appointed an accountable officer, chief financial office and chair.
The full minutes are available here: www.wp.dh.gov.uk/transparency/files/2012/05/120512-Minutes-of-NHSCBA-accountability-final-for-publication.pdf
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