NHS England approves NEWS2 to recognise deteriorating patients
NHS England has approved the use of the new National Early Warning Score (NEWS) to improve detection of acutely ill patients.
The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has updated its NEWS, which was first produced in 2012.
NEWS2 has received formal endorsement from NHS England and NHS Improvement to become the system used to identify acutely ill patients in hospitals across England.
The score is calculated from a patient’s vital sign readings and, either on a chart or in digital form, and helps the health care professional caring for the patient identify whether they are becoming very unwell, prompting them to take appropriate action to review the care of the patient, seeking specialist help if necessary.
NEWS2 is based on a simple scoring system using respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturations, consciousness level and temperature to calculate a total score.
NEWS has already been shown to be a highly effective system to detect patients at risk of deterioration or death, and has been adopted by many hospitals across the world.
The Early Warning Score has been updated to include a new section to score oxygen saturation in patients with hypercapnoeic respiratory failure to ensure the most appropriate prescription of supplemental oxygen if required.
It also recognises the importance of the onset of new confusion as a sign of deterioration.
In those with a known or suspected infection, there is a strong emphasis on the use of NEWS to identify sepsis.
Professor Bryan Williams, chairman of the NEWS development group and RCP clinical lead for NEWS, described the uptake of the system as: “extraordinary, and beyond even the most optimistic expectations.
“The majority of NHS hospitals are now using the NEWS, and over 150,000 NHS staff have voluntarily completed the online NEWS training and accreditation programme,” he explained.
“As we move into 2018, I am delighted that we have the endorsement of NHS England and NHSI in implementing NEWS2 across the NHS in England.”
President of the RCP, Professor Jane Dacre, also added: “This update will mark the beginning of a new chapter for NEWS, as with the support of NHS England and NHS Improvement, over the next year NEWS will become the default early warning score for NHS Trusts and ambulances.
“Patients will benefit from its implementation, and staff will benefit from not having to learn a new score each time they join a new Trust.
“And I hope that NEWS will continue its global journey, saving lives across the world.”
NEWS has already received endorsement in Scotland and Wales, and there are calls for it to be used more extensively by the ambulance services and primary care to triage those requiring emergency care more effectively.
Like the original NEWS, NEWS2 will be free for all to use.
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