The new edition of NHE’s e-magazine highlights the newest digital innovation, environmental efforts, procurement projects and more with articles from the likes of Lord Victor Adebowale, Chair of the NHS Confederation (pg38), Health Education England and NHS Supply Chain.
In an NHS where the primary focus is and always will be best practice and providing exceptional patient care, this magazine looks to explore some of the ways in which we can incorporate our other aims such as net-zero and digital development into the healthcare sector without compromise on the primary aim of the NHS.
This magazine hears from industry specialists who discuss topics like patient pathways, smart hospitals and delivering a sustainable NHS. Whilst NHS workers on the front line continue to battle the impeding patient backlog how can we address capacity issues which are hindering our ability to care for more people? Former CEO of the NHS Confederation, Mike Farrar reveals his thoughts on reforming the way we work for a better, more efficient healthcare system (pg8).
We also received insightful comment from NHS Supply Chain Sustainability Manager, Martin Toomey as he explores the organisations success in delivering a wide range of green innovations such as reusable sharps and clinical waste containers (pg26).
Additionally, Health Education England’s Patrick Mitchell evaluates how advancements in digital technology and a quickly moving digital health care system can exclude some of the most vulnerable in our society. He explores how we can ensure inclusivity whilst staying on track to achieving a more digital way of working (pg35).
Enjoy even more content in the latest edition here.