In the picturesque landscapes of Dorset, a digital revolution is brewing. In a remarkable step towards the digital evolution of NHS paper red book, Nurturey has unveiled its PinkBook in Dorset. Nurturey PinkBook is NHS integrated, approved and assured digital upgrade to the NHS paper red book. The launch in Dorset has been made possible with Nurturey’s collaboration with Provide CIC, a Child Health Information Service provider.
To learn more about the product and when it will reach the parents in all of England, we spoke to Nurturey’s CEO, Tushar Srivastava (T).
Q: Tushar, enlighten us about PinkBook and its debut in Dorset.
T: Every parent in England receives the 80+ pages paper book, called red book that’s crying out for digitalisation. While it’s called a red book, it feels like a blackhole where a lot of information goes in, but nothing comes out.
With PinkBook the parents will receive a magical experience of a digital version of the NHS red book. Pregnant mothers can simply download the app from Appstore or Playstore, sign up using NHS Login, and start experiencing the magic of the digital and fully automated NHS red book.
Q: But why just Dorset? There's a lot of buzz about the PinkBook being ready for a nationwide rollout. Can you speak more about that?
T: Dorset's launch was made feasible by teaming up with Provide CIC, a visionary Child Health Information Provider in Dorset.
But great news is that the Nurturey PinkBook is ready to go live in all of across England. All we need is a green light from regional NHS organisations such as a CHIS (or even ICBs or GPs). If you are one the above and reading this, please reach out to me now on [email protected] for the next steps. Let’s do it!
We could go live nationally immediately even today. But the government hasn’t been able to overcome its internal bureaucratic hurdles to sort out the paperwork for a national rollout, a the project it started in 2019. After all, it was government’s own agenda to launch the digital red book in England by April 2023.
Well, that leaves risk-taking innovators like Nurturey to chase the vision of the digital red book and make it happen through regional roll outs, while collaborating with organisations such as a CHIS or ICB.
Q: Why should other regions, CHIS or ICBs, consider collaborating with Nurturey?
T: The prime allure is that it's FREE – for both organisations and end-users (parents). There's zero technical effort involved as we're equipped and operational. Plus, many parents and pregnant mothers in your region and vicinity are already PinkBook users, albeit with data access constraints
All we need do together is to sort out some paper work, as required by NHS England, and your fully functional and magical PinkBook can go live in your regions within a matter of days.
Q: What challenges did you face while creating this digital twin, and how did you overcome them?
T: The journey wasn't a walk on the beach. Integrating with the NHS meant navigating complex technical, governance, and assurance challenges. But our shared vision of giving every child the best start kept us motivated. I’m particularly grateful to our colleagues at NHS England for their unwavering support.
Q: Any final thoughts for our readers?
T: Digital transformation in child health is brewing. We've taken a significant stride with the PinkBook in Dorset. Now, we invite the rest of the UK to join this journey. Together, we can shape the future of child and maternity care.
We need help from all stakeholders in the ecosystem. Feel free to reach out to me on [email protected].