A health centre serving the people of Manchester has underwent a major £162,000 expansion to expand local healthcare capacity, part-delivered by NHS Property Services (NHSPS).
NHSPS are the registered landlord and project manager of Newton Heath Health Centre and have worked with Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) and Manchester Local Care Organisation (MCLO) over the past year to identify suitable solutions to address an additional demand for space.
The recently-completed expansion project represents the first phase of a wider programme of works at Newton Heath to increase clinical capacity.
The health centre sits in an area of Manchester which has been rapidly expanding in recent years.
This has seen the need for additional space at the health centre become a priority project for local health and NHS organisations, further needed when a local GP practice moved to the site after vacating its nearby premises earlier this year.
The expansion works at the site involved the reconfiguration of existing space to better accommodate the growing local demand for services.
Two further clinical rooms were also created in delivering this additional capacity, as well as the refurbishment of existing clinical rooms and the construction of a reception area for the new GP tenant.
Owing to the pressures and constraints of Covid-19 on the health centre, its tenants and NHSPS worked side-by-side to deliver a project programme which would cause minimal disruption to the healthcare services being delivered there.
This involved a number of steps, including contractors working outside the health centre’s operating hours to ensure that clinical services could continue to be delivered unaffected.
NHSPS invested the £162k figure in the project with the aim of ensuring the site is better served to meet the healthcare needs of a growing local population in this particular area of Manchester.
Daniel Burdett, Regional Partnership Director at NHS Property Services, said: “We are delighted to have been able to deliver the expansion works to Newton Heath Health Centre, and to have accommodated the new GP tenant that recently moved to the facility.
“We hope that the works will help increase healthcare capacity at the site, and with the refurbishment of the clinical rooms, provide an enhanced environment for local people to receive high quality care in.”