On Episode 14 of NHE's Finger on the Pulse podcast, we're joined by Professor Craig Jackson, Professor of Occupational Health Psychology
Birmingham City University to discuss the coronavirus pandemic, the health messaging around it and how those in power have missed a trick by overlooking the key role of psychology in informing the public of restrictions, measures and the ever-changing situation.
Together, Professor Jackson and regular host Matt Roberts discuss the things the government got right in the early stages, the uncertainty and vagueness caused by a second set of messaging open to interpretation and how things could be pulled together once more - including through the use of psychology, creativity and more individual messaging.
We also discuss the risks of an impending Christmas turkey shortage... ensuring it's not all doom and gloom in what is quite a difficult and ever-present subject in all of lives right now.
Join the discussion and let us know across social media what your thoughts are. We're always keen to engage with our listeners and hear different points of view. Whether you agree or disagree, discussion is at the core of how we learn and improve: as a society, as an industry and as individuals.
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