According to the NHS, obesity affects one in four adults and one in five children aged 10 to 11 and has steadily risen over the years causing a concern as well as a huge pressure on the NHS.
Amongst the obvious health side effects that cane come with excessive weight, mental health can suffer drastically due to the stigmas that exist and in this episode of NHE’s Finger on the Pulse podcast we delve into where the problem lies and how society as a whole can look to improve their outlook on weight and approach it differently.
The latest episode is now live, with an insightful discussion from Geneticist, Dr Giles Yeo and General Practitioner Dr Stephanie De Giorgio focused who focus on how and why we gain weight but also how health professionals can look to better inform themselves on the topic to make it a shameless condition.
Discussing how he would like doctors to approach obesity, Giles said: “They don’t have to understand the minutia details. The point is that there is a huge difference between saying obesity is an issue and saying we shouldn’t blame the people suffering from it.
“One size doesn’t fit all. You have to not only think about the biology, which is what the doctor is trained to do, but also look at the lifestyle of the patient in front of you. Rich, poor, a parent, old, a commuter, whatever…
“It’s useless to try and force someone to do something if it doesn’t suit them and it doesn’t suit their lifestyle.”
Listen to the full Episode 28 of NHE’s Finger on the Pulse podcast with Dr Giles Yeo and Dr Stephanie De Giorgio here: